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Sans.-Pippali; Trikana; Eng.-Dired catkins; Long-Papper; Hind.-Pimpli; pipal;Ben.-Pipli; Pepul. Guj.-Pipara; Pipli; Mah.-Mothi; Pimpli; Tel.-Pippali-katte; Pipili; modi. Tam.-Pipili; Tippilli;(modi). Mal.-Tippli. an.-Hippali; Yippali.

Uses.-Old long pepper is more efficacious in medicine than fresh article-(U.C,dutt).Powdered long pepper administered with honey will relieve cough cold,asthma,hoar-seness and hiccup. A compound powder consisting of the same ingredients and in equal parts and called chuturushana churnam is useful in colic and flatulence besides cough and coryza etc.



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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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ContentSans.-Pippali; Trikana; Eng.-Dired catkins; Long-Papper; Hind.-Pimpli; pipal;Ben.-Pipli; Pepul. Guj.-Pipara; Pipli; Mah.-Mothi; Pimpli; Tel.-Pippali-katte; Pipili; modi. Tam.-Pipili; Tippilli;(modi). Mal.-Tippli. an.-Hippali; Yippali. Uses.-Old long pepper is more efficacious in medicine than fresh article-(U.C,dutt).Powdered long pepper administered with honey will relieve cough cold,asthma,hoar-seness and hiccup. A compound powder consisting of the same ingredients and in equal parts and called chuturushana churnam is useful in colic and flatulence besides cough and coryza etc.    Vakumba, Kumbhi is bitter and cleansing to the blood and liver and also helps kindle agni. Sans Hind & Ben-kumbi. Guj, Mab, & Ben- Vakumbha. Tel-Dudippi. Tam-Pailacputatammi. Can-Daddala ; Guddadippae. Mal-Peelam; paer; Alam Patti ; Ukamaram. Mysore-Govuldu. Uses:   Alum is also used as a styptic, in styptic pencils available from pharmacists, or as an alum block, available from barber shops and gentlemen's outfitters, to stem bleeding from shaving nicks and as an astringent. An alum block can be used directly as a perfume-free deodorant (antiperspirant), and unprocessed mineral alum is sold in Indian bazaars for just that purpose. Throughout Island Southeast Asia, potassium alum is most widely known as tawas and has numerous uses. It is used as a traditional antiperspirant and deodorant, and in traditional medicine for open wounds and sores etc. Aamanakku Vithai (Castor Seeds) - a herbal solution for constipation, mother feed, and other health benefits.  Sans -Eranda; Vatari; Gandharava hasthah; Panchangulam. Eng-Castor oil plant seed. Fr-Ricin. Ger-Ricinus seed; Cemeiner Wunderbaum seed. Hind-Endi. Sind-Ayrunkukri seed;Heran. Punj-Arand; Erand. Arab-Khirva. Pers_Bedanjir. Ben-Verenda root; Aranda; Bherenda; Sadabherenda Assam-Eri. Bom. Guj-Diveil.Bom. & Mah-Erendi.Uriya-Gab.  CP-grudi. Tel-Eramudapu; Tam-amanakku ver ; Can-Haralu; Chitmani;Amanakku chedi. Mal-Chittamanakku seed.Can-Haralu seed. Uses:The better and purer quality oil,clear, (plain or in emulsion with mueilage) inflammation condition bowels in the diarrhoea of often combined with opium facilitate operation for lithotomony useful for purgative of the pharmacopoeia etc. Sans.-Ikshugandha; Gokshura; Trikantah. Eng.-Small Caltrops. Ben.-Gokhuri. Arab.-Khara-khusk. Tel.-Palleru mullu; Tam.-Nerinjal; Mal.-Nerungil. Uses.-Plant and dired spiny fruits are used in decoction or infusion in cases of spermatorrhoea,phosphaturia,diseases of the genito-urinary system such dysuria,ganorrhoea,gleet,chronic cystitis,calculous affections,urinary disorders,incontinence of urine,gout and impotence. Water rendered mucilaginous by the plant is drunk as a remedy for impotence and an infusion of the stem is administered in gonorrhoea. It is generally given with hyoscyamus and opium conditions of the urinary passages etc.
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 108 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g