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Sukku (powder) (or) Dry Ginger Powder


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Eng-Dried ginger; Hindi-Adrak; Malayalam-Inchi,Enchi; Telugu-Allam,Allamu,Allamuchettu,Shonti.                                                                                                                                                                       Part Used:Upright stems and narow medium green leaves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Uses:Dry ginger powder helps treat discomfort in the stomach caused by indigestion. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help in the neutralization of digestive juices in the stomach and eliminate extra gas from the intestine.helps in solving ailments such as vomiting, indigestion, and other stomach related problems. The herb is used to relieve cough and cold, headache, and etc… Helps to reduce fever from those who are down with influenza. Sukku is known to help in treating asthma, sneezing, tuberculosis, etc

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