Sarpagandha is also known as ‘Indian snakeroot. To treat anti-hypertensive and sedative medicines.
Sans- Chandrika; Sarpa-gandha, Hind- Chota- chand, Ben- Chandra, Gwalior- Naya, Bihar & Orissa – Dhanmarna or Dhan- barua, Bom- Harkai; Chandra, Tel- Patala- gandhi, Tam- Chivanmelpodi; Covannamilpori, Mal- chivan Avelpori, Can- Sutranabi, Kon- Patalagarud, Tulu- Patala- Garudada- beru.
Uses: It is used as aremedy poisonous snake bites and stings of insects.For insomnia, hypochondria and irritative conditions of the central nervous system, reduction of blood pressure.
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