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Sabja (or) Sabzah Seed


SKU: 544745 Category:


Sans- Bisva Tulasi; Varavara; Manjariki, Eng- Sweet Basil, Fr- Basilic Cultive, Ger- Basilien Kraut, Hind- Babui; Tulsi,; Sabzah, Kash- Hazbo, Punj- Baburi, Uriya- Dhala-tulasi, Santal- Bharbari, Malay- Tiru-nitru, Sind- Sabajhi, Arab- Shahasfaram, Pers- Pharanjamuskh; Firanj-mushk, Duk, Bom & Mah- Sabza, Ben- Babui-tulsi, Tel- Kukkatulasi; Bhu-tulasi; Vebudipatri, Tam- Tirunirupachai, Can, & Kon- Kamkasturi, Burm- Kala pingain.

Part Used: Herbs  and Seeds.

Uses.- Seeds are useful in catarrh, chronic diarrhoea, dysentry, gonorrhoea, nephritis, crystitis and internal piles; they also relieve the after pains of parturition; they are used as an aphrodisiac . A seeds steeped in a glass of water swell into a mucilaginous jelly and with some sugar forms an excellent drink in the above named diseases. Juice  of the leaves is dropped into the ear in earache and dullness of hearing. Plant  usedas irrigation in nasal myosis produces anaesthesia and acts as a  parasiticide and antiseptic

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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