Revand Chini is an ayurvedic ingredient which might be beneficial for treating health conditions like Constipation, Periodontitis, Gonorrhea, High cholesterol, Fatty liver …
Sans.-amlavetasa. eng.-Himalayan rhubarb. Hind&punj.-Revand-chini. Fr.-Rhubarb de perse. Ger.-Rhabarber. Ben.-Bangla Revanchini. Tel.-Nattu ireval-chinni. Tam.-Variyattu. Can.-Reval-chini.
Uses.-Its stimulating combined with its aperient propertires render it valuable in atonic dyspepsia. Generally speaking it suits in the ailments of children and aged persons best and is very commonly used. Rhubarb like sorrel and tomato,should never be eaten by those who have a tendency to gout,rheumatism,epilepsy or any uric acid disease,owing to the oxalic acid it contains etc.
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