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Nellikaai Vathhal (or) Emblica Officinalis (Powder)


SKU: 421314 Categories: ,


Nellikai is otherwise known as Goose berry. It  contains  also considered to have lots of anti-oxidants.

Sans.-Dhatri-phala; Amalakan. Eng.-Emblic myrobalan. Ger.-Gebrauchlicher. Fr.-Phyllanthe emblic. ahind.-Amla. Bom.-Amla. Ben.-amlaki;Amla. Can.-Nellikai. Sinb.-Nellika Tam.-Nellikkai. Arab.-Amlaj. Guj.-Ambala. Arab.-Amlaj.

Uses.-Fresh fruit is used in turkeystan in inflammation  of the lungs and of the eves  as a collyrium. An infusion of the seeds is given as a febrifuge and in diabetes .Dried fruit immersed in water in a new earthen vessel a whole night yields a decoction which is used as a collyrium in ophthalmia. It may be applied cold or warm. Dried friut is useful in haemorrhage,diarrhoea and dysentery with iron it is a valuable remedy in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia etc.

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ContentNellikai is otherwise known as Goose berry. It  contains  also considered to have lots of anti-oxidants. Sans.-Dhatri-phala; Amalakan. Eng.-Emblic myrobalan. Ger.-Gebrauchlicher. Fr.-Phyllanthe emblic. ahind.-Amla. Bom.-Amla. Ben.-amlaki;Amla. Can.-Nellikai. Sinb.-Nellika Tam.-Nellikkai. Arab.-Amlaj. Guj.-Ambala. Arab.-Amlaj. Uses.-Fresh fruit is used in turkeystan in inflammation  of the lungs and of the eves  as a collyrium. An infusion of the seeds is given as a febrifuge and in diabetes .Dried fruit immersed in water in a new earthen vessel a whole night yields a decoction which is used as a collyrium in ophthalmia. It may be applied cold or warm. Dried friut is useful in haemorrhage,diarrhoea and dysentery with iron it is a valuable remedy in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia etc.Athimathuram is a herbaceous perennial plant. To treat Sore Throat and Cough, Ulcers and Joint Pains, General Debility, Blood Sugar Regulation and Enhancing Sexual Vigor, Flavoring Agent for cooking. Sans - Yashti-madhu; Madhuka  Eng- Sweetwood;  Liquorice. Hindi -  Mthilakdi ; Guj -  Mab - Jashtimadh ; Tel  -  Yasti madhukam;  Athimadhuram; tam- Ati-madhuram athimadthurappal ; can - jestamaddu ;  botanical - glycyrrhiza glabra . Uses :  It is used scropion sting root in infusion decottion  ertract lozenge is useful demulcent in inflammatory affictin are irritable  condition of the bronchial tubes as coughhoarseness sorethroat astham dysuri ardor urinae pharmaceutical aloes chloride of ammonium senega,hyocyamus, turpentine etc. Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used in Ayurveda to relieve stress, increase energy, and improve concentration. Sans - Ashvagandha ; Eng - Winter Cherry ; Hindi- Asgandh ; Ben - Aswagandha;  Guj- Asundha ; Asana. Goa- Fatarfoda Bom & Mah - Asagandha ; Tam - Achuvagandhi; Amukulang- Kalang ; Amukran- Kizhangu ; Amukkira- Kilizhangu  ; Tel- Penneroo- Gadda; Asvagandhi ; Mal - Pevette ; Can- Sogade-beru; Uses :   Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). People with underactive thyroid have high blood levels of a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). People with underactive thyroid can also have low levels of thyroid hormone. Taking ashwagandha seems to lower TSH and increase thyroid hormone levels in people with a mild form of underactive thyroid.Insomnia. Some research shows that taking ashwagandha might help people sleep better etc. Sans- Pattra-banga; Dhumra-patra ; Gridhrani. Eng-Wormkiller; Birthwort. Bom-Kidamari. Duk. & Guj-gudhatee. Hind-Kiramar. Can- Sanajali-hullu. Mal-Atu-tinlap; Atutintappala.Tam-Adu-thinna-palai. Tel-Gudide Gaddithaigadapara; Kadapara; Gadathigadaparaku. Mab-Gandhani; Gaval. Uriya-Paniri. USES: The leaves and roots are used to rid the body of Guinea worm (a parasitic infection caused by a nematode Snacke-bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scropion ect). The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic etc.Ativisha is an herbaceous perennial plant. To treat for fevers, rheumatic conditions and for loss of vitality. Kan -Ativisha ;Hind-Atis ;Mala-Ativisam ; Tam-Atividyam; Telu-Ati visa ;Marathi -Guj- Atavasa; Punj- KashmiriNASanskrit ;Ativisa; Eng-Atees ; Bontany- Aconitum Heterophyllum ; Uses : Ativisha has antipyretic, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, persistent cough, upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, flu, and malaria. In ayurvedic pediatric medicine, it is used to treat fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is an important ingredient of Balchaturbhadra Churna, which is used for fever, loose motions, bronchitis, and infections of upper respiratory tract, asthma, vomiting, and several other pediatric complaints etc. Botanical- Ficus Religiosa; Eng -Sacred Fig ;Tam - Arasa ilai  ;Hindi - aswattha Pattee; Malya-arayal / pippalam ila ;Telu- pippalamu aku Uses :  leaves used as a paste improves to fair complexion of skin. In case of pain in the body, application of Peepal tree milk gives relief. When there are cracks in the feet, use of milk of Peepal tree gives relief etc.
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g