Nellikai vathal, also known as dehydrated gooseberries, is a popular South Indian method of preserving gooseberries .
Sans.-Dhatri-phala; Amalakan. Eng.-Emblic myrobalan. Ger.-Gebrauchlicher. Fr.-Phyllanthe emblic. ahind.-Amla. Bom.-Amla. Ben.-amlaki;Amla. Can.-Nellikai. Sinb.-Nellika Tam.-Nellikkai. Arab.-Amlaj. Guj.-Ambala. Arab.-Amlaj.
Uses.-Fresh fruit is used in turkeystan in inflammation of the lungs and of the eves as a collyrium. An infusion of the seeds is given as a febrifuge and in diabetes .Dried fruit immersed in water in a new earthen vessel a whole night yields a decoction which is used as a collyrium in ophthalmia. It may be applied cold or warm. Dried friut is useful in haemorrhage,diarrhoea and dysentery with iron it is a valuable remedy in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia etc.
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