Botanical : Eugenia Jambolana ,Tamil : நாவல் பட்டை / Naaval Pattai , English : Jamblang / Jambolan/malabar Plum ,Malayalam : നാവിൽ കുറ / naaval kura ,Hindi : जामुन छाल / Jamun Chhaal ,
Telugu : నేరేడు / neredu Berau.
The botanical name Eugenia Jambolana is very slow-growing, unlike other species.
♦ An amazing tree that can grow to about 30 meters tall, it can live for almost 100 years.
♦ Although it has many medicinal properties, it is often cultivated for shade and for its decorative value.
♦ Its coarse bark, which is dark gray at the base of the tree, has admirable medicinal properties.
♦ The bands of this tree are water-resistant and can be used for making railway sleepers and for installing motors in wells.
♦ They are sometimes used to create furniture and villas.
Health Benefits of Naval Pattai / Jamblang / Jamun Tree Bark Powder
♦ This powder helps to lower blood sugar levels, making them an ideal remedy for diabetics.
♦ It has the ability to control the insulin level in the blood.
♦ It contains cooling property that helps to cure digestion problems.
♦ It helps in the treatment of jaundice, anemia, and menstrual problem
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