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Nathai Churi vidhai (or) Madanaghanti (or) Shaggy puttonweed seed


SKU: 33326 Category:


Sans.-Madan-ghanta. Ben.-Madana-banta-kadu. Hind.-Madanaghanti. Eng.-Shaggy puttonweed. Mah.-Ghanti-chi-bhaji. Tam.-Nutti-choorie; nattai-churi. Tel.-Madana-ghettu. Mal.-Thartuvel.

Uses.-It is alterative,stimulant and tonic. Seeds as confection are cooling,demulcent and given in diarrhoea and dysentery. Root in decoction is alternative and used like sarsaparilla. Seeds have been recommended as a substitute foe coffee. The dose of the confection of seeds is 2 to 1 drachm and of the decoction of the roots etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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