Sans.-Nilaprala; ; Jambu. Eng.-Jambul. Blackberry. Hind.-Jaman. Jamoom. Bom.-Jambu. Ben.-Kala-jam. Guj.-Jambudo. Mab.-Jambul. Tel.-Naeraedu. Tam.-Nagum, Naval kottai. Mal.-Naval. Can.-Naeealay.
Uses.-Addition of other astringents like cardamom and cinnamon is used in decoction in case of chronic diarrhoea and dysentery and as a gargle in store-throat,spongy gums, etc. A powdered seeds or stones of the fruit are used as a remedy in diabetes; it diminishes the quantity of sugar in urine and allaya the unquenchable thirst of diabetes. A syrup prepared from the juice of the ripw fruit is a very pleasant drink . Syrup or vinger prepared from the ripe fruit is also useful in spleen enlargement and an efficient astringent in chronic diarrhoea etc.
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