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Naatu Kichili (or) Country Round Zedoary (or) Kachura


SKU: 54824 Category:


Sams- Kachura,Shati or Sati, Eng- Round Zedopary, Hind- Gangamastri; Kakhur, Ben- Sutha; Shori; Sati, Bom- Kachura, Pers- Jadvar khata; Kazhur,  Duk- Katchoor, Mah- Kuv; Kachur, Can & Kon- Kachora, Tel- Kichili-gaddalu; Kachoeramu, Tam- Kastori-manjal;; Nirvivisham; Pulan-kizhanga; Kichilic-kizhanga, Mal- Pulan-kizhanga; Adavi-kachhola, Burm- Thanu- wen, Sinh- Hinhurh, Arab- Aurkulakappura.

Paert Used: Tubers and leaves.

Uses: It is used as flatulence and dyspepsia, in cases of irritation of the fauces and upper part of the wind pipe. It mainly also as odoriferous ingredient of the cosmetics used for the cure of chronic skin diseases caused by impure or deranged blood.

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