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Murunga Pisini (or) Drum-stick Pisini (or) Moringa Pisini


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Murunga Pisin has very rich in Antioxidants and Iron, to treat skin rashes, skin breaks, itching, allergies

Sans.- Sobhanjana; Murungi. Eng.-Horse-radish; Drumstick. Fr.-Moringa a grainestripteres. Hind.-Sahinjan. Punj.-Sanjna. Guj.-Suragovo; sekto. Mah.-Shegat;Murungamul. Bom.-Sujna;Sanga. Tam.-Murungai. Mal.-Murina; Murunna. Tel.-Munaga; Can.-Nugge. Malay.-Kaylor.

Uses.- Leaves, flower , immature capsules and root are eaten as vegetables in curries. As it contains sulphur,it is recommended for rheumatism, ascites and venomous bites; applied as a poultice for neuralgia of the face. Root of the drumstick tree resembles in odour and apperance that of horse-radish for which it is usual way of equal parts of moringa root and orange peel with a little nutmeg bruised is a nice carminative and strong stimulant found useful. Root is applied externally as plaster or poultice to inflammatory swellings. Oil of the seeds with or without the addition of ground-nut oil in equal parts is used as an application to relieve the pain of gout and acute rheumatism etc.

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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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ContentMurunga Pisin has very rich in Antioxidants and Iron, to treat skin rashes, skin breaks, itching, allergies Sans.- Sobhanjana; Murungi. Eng.-Horse-radish; Drumstick. Fr.-Moringa a grainestripteres. Hind.-Sahinjan. Punj.-Sanjna. Guj.-Suragovo; sekto. Mah.-Shegat;Murungamul. Bom.-Sujna;Sanga. Tam.-Murungai. Mal.-Murina; Murunna. Tel.-Munaga; Can.-Nugge. Malay.-Kaylor. Uses.- Leaves, flower , immature capsules and root are eaten as vegetables in curries. As it contains sulphur,it is recommended for rheumatism, ascites and venomous bites; applied as a poultice for neuralgia of the face. Root of the drumstick tree resembles in odour and apperance that of horse-radish for which it is usual way of equal parts of moringa root and orange peel with a little nutmeg bruised is a nice carminative and strong stimulant found useful. Root is applied externally as plaster or poultice to inflammatory swellings. Oil of the seeds with or without the addition of ground-nut oil in equal parts is used as an application to relieve the pain of gout and acute rheumatism etc.It has rich in antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels, fever, cold, cough, stomach pain, asthma, blood impurities, vomiting, sore eyes, loss of memory, leucoderma, mouth ulcers, tumors, skin problems, etc. Sans-Sinhaparni ; Vasaka ; Arusak ; Vansa ; Vrisha Sinhamukhi ;Adarushah. Eng-Malabar nut. Hind-Adosa ; Arusha ; Rus ;Bansa. Ben-Adulsa : Bakash. Pers-Bansa. Duk-Adarsa. Tel-Addasaram ; Adampaka ; or Adamkabu. Madras & Tam_Adhatodai. Can & Kon-Adusogae. Mal_ Ataloetakam.  Mab- Adulsa ;Adusa.  Guj-Aduraspee ; Adulso ; Bansa. Punj-Bhekkar. Uses: The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots of adathoda are used to cure various diseases such as coughs, colds, asthma, skin infections, fever, bleeding piles and inflammation etc.  Botanical- Ficus Religiosa; Eng -Sacred Fig ;Tam - Arasa vithai  ;Hindi - aswattha beej; Malya-arayal / pippalam   ;Telu- pippalamu Uses :   Asthma is a deadly disease as it blocks your breathing, preventing oxygen from getting into your lungs and to other organs in your body.Due to the increasing amounts of harmful pollution and dust around us, asthma has become a very common ailment, particularly among young children.Regular intake of the Arasa vithai powder can give you remarkable benefits and changes in your health etc.
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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 108 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 0.5 kg
Weight 1.5 kg