Gorakhmundi, also known as Sphaeranthus indicus. Gorakhmundi plant is a small, herbaceous annual or perennial plant
Sans- Munditika; Bhikshugparivraji, Eng- East indian Globe- thristle, Hind & Mah- Gorakmundi, Pers- Zakhimi-i-hyat, Arab- Kamazariyus, Gwalior- Gulumundi, Ben- Murmurai, Tel- Boeddatarapi- chettu, Tam- Vishnu – karandai, Mah- Adakimaniyam, Can- Karamdagida.
Uses: It is used as stomachic and anthelmintic and useful in forms and indigestion, given with honey of cough. Flowers are highly esteemed as alternatives, depuratives, refrigerants and tonics, useful as blood-purifiers in skin diseases. The drug is also useful in urethral discharges and jaundice.
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