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Mayil Thuttham (or) Nila Thutha


SKU: 256796 Category:


Mayiil  thutham is a mixture of copper sulfate with various impurities that may include copper carbonate, copper oxides, and other copper compounds.

Sans.- Sasyaka; Tutta; Nelli tutia; Tuttam; Mayura tuttham; Sikhigrivam.  Eng.- Verdigris; Crude copper sulphate or copper acetate; Basic copper acedate;  Blue copperas; blue stone; roman vitriol. Beng.- Tutia. Hind & Punj.- Nila- thuta , Guj & Dhu.- Mor- tutta. Malay.- Toorshi; Turi. Burm. Doutha. Tam.- Mayil thuttam; Tuttam turichi. Tel.- Mayilu- tuttam. Can &  Kon.- Mayil thuttu. Sing.- palmanikam.Arab.- Zajul akhzar. Pers.- Zake- sabz)

USES ; It is a powerful astringent , emetic, and antisepic;  externally stimulant, styptic and mild caustic. Copper sulphate thus prepared will be free from toxic effects and wil not produce vomiting.It is contained in medicines named GRAHANIKAPATA RASA which is useful in bowel diseases such as chornic diarrhoea and dysentery and especially  sprue.etc..

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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