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Maavilanghu Pattai (or) Baruna (or) Ulimidi 50 g (Powder)


SKU: 684783 Category:


The Maavilanga Pattai is an excellent herb for treating bronchitis, asthma, and skin diseases,tree bark is used to treats urinary tract and liver infections

Tamil  : மாவிலங்க பட்டை/ Maavilanga Pattai,  English  : Three-leaved caper, Caper tree, Holy garlic pear,  Hindi   : Baruna, Barna,  Sanskrit  : Varun, Varuna,  Malayalam  : Nirmatalam, Neermatalam, Nirval,  Telugu   : Ulimidi, Maagalingam,  Kannada  : Bitusi, Holenekki,  Gujarati  : Vayvarno, Varano.

Uses.-its juice makes a pleasant refrigerant drink (sherbet)in allaying febrile hezt and thirst,and checks bilious vomiting. It is useful in bilious and remittent fever when combined with port wine and cinchona bark. It is also made into a pickle with sali,sweet oil, chillies and other ingredients,which is useful as an appetiser in va rious kinds of fever,dyspepsia and inflammatory affections etc.

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Weight 0.05 kg


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