Gulakanji is a small bead that we get from the tree of Abrus precatorious. It has few medicinal value in adults however it is fatal to children and kids..
English: Coral bead vine, Rosary pea, Indian liquorice.Sanscrit: Gunjaa, Hindi: Ratti, Gunchi, Malayalam: Kunni, Tamil: குந்து மணி kundu mani .
Part Used: Root, leaf, seed and oil.
Uses: Inflammation, irregular mensuration, fevers, coughs and cold, to increase erotic desire in men, used in the treatments of gonorrhoea, jaundice, haemoglobinuria bile, hair growth, Dandruff, Dental caries, treat frozen shoulder, scrofula, erysipelas and skin diseases.
- Anti-tumorous – It prevents the growth of tumours
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-allergic activity
- Antibacterial
- Insecticidal – It is a toxic
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