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Karuvelam Pattai(Powder) (or) Acacia Arabica (or) Indian- gum arabic tree Bark


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Karuvelam pattai powder is also called babul bark. Mainly it’s most helpful for toothache.

Sans- Vabboola ; Vabbula ; Barbara, Pers- Kare- mugilan, Eng- Indiagum- arabic, Babul tree , Hind- Kikar, Mah- Babul; Kala- babli, Bom- Babhula, Sind- Babhula, Hind, Ben& Punj – Babla, Kikar, Duk- Kalikikar, Guj- Kaloabaval; Baval, Tel- Nallatumma; Barbaramu; Tuma, Tam- Kauvael; Karuvelum, Can- Karijali; Jali; Bauni, Mal- Karuvelum; Babola, Kon- Shameeruku, Punj, & Kash- Sak, Arab- Ammugilam; Ummughilam, Pers- & Arab- Akakia.

Part Used: Bark,gum, leaves, seeds and pods.

Uses: It is used  as a gargle  and mouth wash in cancerous  and syphilitic affections , foul and aphthous stomatitis Pods are nused in coughs  and usefull in chronic  diarrhoea , dysentry and passive haemorrhages.Good preparation of mouth wash and juice of bark mixed with breast  milk is dropped into the eye in conjunctivitis.

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