Content | Sans , Bom , & Mah- Black Gunja, Eng- Jequirity; Indian or Jamaica or Wild Liquorice, Pers- Gunchi; Chashami- khurosa, Hind- Rati; Gaungchi; Gunchi; Gunja, Gwalior- Ghumachi, Guj- Gumchi; Chanothi, Ben- Kunch; Koonch, Tel- Guruginia, Tam- Gundumani; Kunthamani, Can- Gurugunji, Mal- Kunni; Gundumani, Punj- Mulati, Kash- Shangir, Urdu & Arab- Ain-en-dik.
Part Used: Roots, Seeds and Leaves.
Uses: wild liquorice is used to strengthen bones while also relieving arthritis pain and providing a sense of calm.Immerse a karungali in water overnight, and consume it first thing in the morning to reduce rashes, wounds, scars, acne and other skin ailments.Respiratory Health: Traditionally used for respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis.Blood Sugar Regulation: Preliminary research suggests it may assist in managing blood sugar levels .
| Sans- Pattra-banga; Dhumra-patra ; Gridhrani. Eng-Wormkiller; Birthwort. Bom-Kidamari. Duk. & Guj-gudhatee.
Hind-Kiramar. Can- Sanajali-hullu. Mal-Atu-tinlap; Atutintappala.Tam-Adu-thinna-palai. Tel-Gudide Gaddithaigadapara;
Kadapara; Gadathigadaparaku. Mab-Gandhani; Gaval. Uriya-Paniri.
USES: The leaves and roots are used to rid the body of Guinea worm (a parasitic infection caused by a nematode Snacke-bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scropion ect). The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic etc. | Sans.-Raktavinduchada. Eng.-Australian Asthma-weed ; Snake weed and cat's hair Hindi. & Guj.-Dudhi. Ben.-Bara-keru. Tam.-Amum-patchaiaressi. Tel.-Bidari ; Nanabalu. Mal.-Nelapalai. Kon.-Dudurli.
Uses.- This is a popular remedy forcough, coryza, hayasthma, bronchinal affectiona and diseases of the respiratory passages generally, also given for worms, bowel-complaints and as paste with sugar in gonorrhoea and other venereal disases.
It should be given after meals.It has been found by me very beneficial in cases of asthma etc.
| | | Akkaraa, to treat rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorders, erectile dysfunction and indigestion.
Sans- Akarakarava. Eng- Pellitory. Hindi Bom & Ben- Akarkara. Guj - Akorkaro .
Arab _ Aquarqarha. Tam - Akkirakaram , Tel-Akarakaram. Mab. and Can- Akkalkara.
Uses : It is sialogogue and is regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. A decoction of the room is useful as a gargle in carious teeth toothache , sore -throat and tonsillitis. it has been given in paralysis hemiplegia epilepsy chorea and rheumatism and a other diseases ect.
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N/A |
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g
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N/A |
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g
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N/A |
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g
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