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Karun jeeragam 25g(Powder) (or) Small Fenn (or) Jiraka


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Karunjeeragam or kalonji seeds can help you maintain a healthy weight as they have metabolism-boosting properties. 

Sans.-Krishna-jiraka; Aranyajeeraka. Eng.-Small Fenn  or Black cumin.Fr.-cumin noir. Ger.-schwarzer kummel. Hind.-Kala-jira; Kulanji. Bom.-Krishnajira. Arab.-Nallajilakara. Tam.-Karunjiragam Mal.-Karinshirogam. can.-Karisjirigay.

Uses.- Seeds are used as a condiment in curries,and with other aromatic substances and bitters. They have a decided action as a galactagogue; a decoction of the seeds is given to recently-delivered females in combination with a few other medicines. It also stimulates uterine contraction.Seeds form a very useful remedy in worms.With sweet oil the decoction forms useful application in skin diseases etc.

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Weight 0.025 kg


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Karunjeeragam or kalonji seeds can help you maintain a healthy weight as they have metabolism-boosting properties. 
Sans.-Krishna-jiraka; Aranyajeeraka. Eng.-Small Fenn  or Black cumin.Fr.-cumin noir. Ger.-schwarzer kummel. Hind.-Kala-jira; Kulanji. Bom.-Krishnajira. Arab.-Nallajilakara. Tam.-Karunjiragam Mal.-Karinshirogam. can.-Karisjirigay. Uses.- Seeds are used as a condiment in curries,and with other aromatic substances and bitters. They have a decided action as a galactagogue; a decoction of the seeds is given to recently-delivered females in combination with a few other medicines. It also stimulates uterine contraction.Seeds form a very useful remedy in worms.With sweet oil the decoction forms useful application in skin diseases etc.
Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used in Ayurveda to relieve stress, increase energy, and improve concentration. Sans - Ashvagandha ; Eng - Winter Cherry ; Hindi- Asgandh ; Ben - Aswagandha;  Guj- Asundha ; Asana. Goa- Fatarfoda Bom & Mah - Asagandha ; Tam - Achuvagandhi; Amukulang- Kalang ; Amukran- Kizhangu ; Amukkira- Kilizhangu  ; Tel- Penneroo- Gadda; Asvagandhi ; Mal - Pevette ; Can- Sogade-beru; Uses :   Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). People with underactive thyroid have high blood levels of a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). People with underactive thyroid can also have low levels of thyroid hormone. Taking ashwagandha seems to lower TSH and increase thyroid hormone levels in people with a mild form of underactive thyroid.Insomnia. Some research shows that taking ashwagandha might help people sleep better etc. Gulakanji is a small bead that we get from the tree of Abrus precatorious. It has few medicinal value in adults however it is fatal to children and kids.. English: Coral bead vine, Rosary pea, Indian liquorice.Sanscrit: Gunjaa,  Hindi:  Ratti,  Gunchi, Malayalam: Kunni,  Tamil: குந்து மணி kundu mani . Part Used: Root, leaf, seed and oil. Uses:  Inflammation, irregular mensuration, fevers, coughs and cold, to increase erotic desire in men, used in the treatments of gonorrhoea, jaundice, haemoglobinuria bile, hair growth, Dandruff, Dental caries, treat frozen shoulder, scrofula, erysipelas and skin diseases.
  • Anti-tumorous – It prevents the growth of tumours
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-allergic activity
  • Antibacterial
  • Insecticidal – It is a toxic
Bermuda juice is highly praised for its potent alkaline property. It works well by increasing the alkaline level and lowers acidity. Bermuda juices aid in treating acid. Eng - Bermuda Grass ; Hindi - Dhurva | Dhub | Dhoob; Sanskrit - Dhurva ;Malayalam - Karuka ; Telugu - Garikagoddi ; Kannada - Garikoihallu ; Bengali - Dhurba; Botanical -  Cynodon Dactylon Uses : Stabilizes blood sugar – Consuming arugampul juice helps stabilize blood sugar level. Relieves Diuretic condition – Consuming this juice early in the morning helps one detoxify his/her body of toxins and also gets rid of water retention. This is also useful in treating urinary tract infections.Avarampoo shrub leaves are traditionally used for hair wash. Treating for healing wounds and for treating other skin problems. Sans-Simbi. Hind. & Urdu- Sim .Mab-Val; Wal papri; Chavdari ghevda; pawta; Ghevda. Eng-Flat bean leaf; Goa- bean leaf; Sind-Vel. Tam-Avarai, Mochai. Tel,Can & Kon-Alsande. Fr-Chevaux defrise bean leaf Can- Avaray. Uses:They are commonly eaten around the world and are a rich source of fiber and B vitamins. They are also a great replacement for meat as a source of vegetarian protein. Beans and legumes have a number of health benefits, including reducing cholesterol, decreasing blood sugar levels and increasing healthy gut bacteria etc.
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Weight 0.025 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight 108 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

1kg, 250g, 500g