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Kalachikkaai (or) Gajega (or) Fever Nut


SKU: 5369915 Category:


Kalachikkaai  for treating  (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), irregular periods, preventing cancer of many types including thyroid cancer and also for aiding weight loss especially caused due to pcos as it helps regulate estrogen levels. 

Sans- Kuberakshi, Hind- Kat- karanj, Ben- Nata- karanja, Bom- Sagar- gota, Tam- Gajega, Kon- Gajago,  Gila in Oriya.

Part Used: Seeds, roots, bark and leaves.

Uses: Used  as snake- bite.eaves and seeds, after roasting with castor oil, are applied externally to inflammatory swellings, especially to inflamed piles, hydrocele, and orchitis.Fever nut powder acts as a potent antipyretic, helping to reduce elevated body temperature during fevers. Its cooling properties aid in regulating the body’s heat mechanism, providing relief from feverish conditions and promoting comfort and well-being.

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Additional information

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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