Hindi – Asgandha, Asgandh; Telugu – Penneru Gadda/ Dommadolu Gadda; Tamil – Amukura, Askulang; Malayalam – Amukkura; Marathi – Asandh, Doragunj; Gujarathi – Aasandha, Ghoda Aakun ; Bengali – Asvagandha; Kannada – Ashvagandhi
Uses : Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). People with underactive thyroid have high blood levels of a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). People with underactive thyroid can also have low levels of thyroid hormone. Taking ashwagandha seems to lower TSH and increase thyroid hormone levels in people with a mild form of underactive thyroid.Insomnia. Some research shows that taking ashwagandha might help people sleep better etc.
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