Sans – Ashvagandha. Eng- Winter cherry. Hind -Asgandh Ben- Aswagandha. Guj- Asundha; Asana. Goa-Fatarfoda. Bom & Mah- Asagandha. Tam -Achuvagandhi; Amkulang- kalang; Amukran- Kizhangu; Amukkira- Kilzhangu. Tel- Penneroo-gadda; Asvagandhi. Mal- Pevette. Can -Sogade-beru; Hirimaddina-gadday; Amikkira-gadday; Hirre-gaddy.
Uses : It is hypnotic in alcoholism and emphysematous dyspnoea Leaves are used for anthelmintic and as an applicatin to carbuncless all causes of general debility nervous exhausation brain fag loos of memory loss muscular energy spermator rhoea .ti infuses fresh energy and vigour in a system and constitutional disease like syphilis rheumatic fever etc.
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