Paen Kottai
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Paen kottai


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Sans.-Kaphala; Kakanashika. Eng.-Indian berry ; Punj.-Heuber; Netramala. Tel.-Kakmari. Mab.-Karwi. Tam.-Kakakulli; Penkottai. Guj.-Kakphal.

Uses.-Juice of the fresb fruit is a good application to scabies and for ulcers. Picrotoxin is a poison and is rarely given it is however given in the smallest doses in epilepsy, especially in the nocturnal variety, in paralysis affecting the muscles of the pharynx, of the legs sphinctor vesicase,and sphinctor ani, in chorea and in sick headache. In applying tbis ointment or paste made of pounded seeds,which is a powerful germicide care should be taken to avoid all abraded or ulcerated surface an account of the danger of absorption of the poisonous principle of the seeds etc.

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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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ContentSans.-Kaphala; Kakanashika. Eng.-Indian berry ; Punj.-Heuber; Netramala. Tel.-Kakmari. Mab.-Karwi. Tam.-Kakakulli; Penkottai. Guj.-Kakphal. Uses.-Juice of the fresb fruit is a good application to scabies and for ulcers. Picrotoxin is a poison and is rarely given it is however given in the smallest doses in epilepsy, especially in the nocturnal variety, in paralysis affecting the muscles of the pharynx, of the legs sphinctor vesicase,and sphinctor ani, in chorea and in sick headache. In applying tbis ointment or paste made of pounded seeds,which is a powerful germicide care should be taken to avoid all abraded or ulcerated surface an account of the danger of absorption of the poisonous principle of the seeds etc.Avarampoo shrub leaves are traditionally used for hair wash. Treating for healing wounds and for treating other skin problems. Sans-Simbi. Hind. & Urdu- Sim .Mab-Val; Wal papri; Chavdari ghevda; pawta; Ghevda. Eng-Flat bean leaf; Goa- bean leaf; Sind-Vel. Tam-Avarai, Mochai. Tel,Can & Kon-Alsande. Fr-Chevaux defrise bean leaf Can- Avaray. Uses:They are commonly eaten around the world and are a rich source of fiber and B vitamins. They are also a great replacement for meat as a source of vegetarian protein. Beans and legumes have a number of health benefits, including reducing cholesterol, decreasing blood sugar levels and increasing healthy gut bacteria etc.
Sans.-Raktavinduchada. Eng.-Australian Asthma-weed ; Snake weed and cat's hair Hindi. & Guj.-Dudhi. Ben.-Bara-keru. Tam.-Amum-patchaiaressi. Tel.-Bidari ; Nanabalu. Mal.-Nelapalai. Kon.-Dudurli. Uses.- This is a popular remedy forcough, coryza, hayasthma, bronchinal affectiona and diseases of  the respiratory passages generally, also given for worms, bowel-complaints and as paste with sugar in gonorrhoea and other venereal disases. It should be given after meals.It has been found by me very beneficial in cases of asthma etc.  
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 108 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 0.5 kg
Weight 1.5 kg