Sans- Navasara: Navasagara: Chulika lavana. Eng-Sal- Ammoniac, Arab- Armina: Milhunnar, Punj&Pers- Noshadar. Kosh- Nausadan, Hind- Navasadara: Nousadar. Ben- Navasagara, Nishadal. Duk, Guj, Mah,& Kon – Navasagar, Tam &Sinh – Navcharam,. Nvacharum, Mal &Tel – Navasaram, Burm- Lovas, Zarasa.
Uses: It relieves hepatic congestion and modifies hepatic secretions: useful in cases of hepatic abscess, chronic hepatic congestion and in dropsy connected with liver and ovarian diseases in cirrhosis and in jaundice from catarrh of the bile ducts.
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