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Sirunaaga Poo


SKU: 868885 Category:


Sans.-Nagkesara. Eng.-Cobra’s saffron. Fr.-Mesua naghas. Tel.-Nagashap-pu. Tam.-Veilluta-champakam, Sirunaga poo. Mal.-Nagachampakam.

Uses.-Leaves are used in the form of poultice which is applied  to head in severe colds. bark and root in decoction or infusion or tincture is a better tonic, and are usedul in gastritis and bronchitis. Fixed oil expressed from the seeds is used as an application for cutaneous affections such as sores,scabies wound etc. Dried flower with ghee, or a paste made of flower with addition of butter and sugar, are given in bleeding piles as well as dystentery with musus. They are also useful in thirst irritability of the stomach excessive perspiration,cough with much expectoration,dyspepsia etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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