Seran Kottai
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Serang Kottai (or) Bhela Seed (or) Marking nut tree


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Sans.-Bhallataka;Bhallatamu; Eng.- Marking-nut tree. Fr.- Anacardier. Ger.- Ostindish-cher dintenbaum. Hindi. & Punj.-Bhela; Bhilawa. Guj.-Bhiamu. Tel.-jeedivittulu; Tam.- Shenkottai;shay-rang; serangkottai. Mal.-Chermara. Can.-Ger-kayi. Arab.-Beladin. Pers.-Biladur,behdur.

Uses.-In Goa the nut is used internally in asthma ofter having been steeped in butter-milk and is also given as vermihuge. It is most beneficial in phlegmatic disease,any disease connected with suppressed secretions and excretions. But caution in internal administration should be employed the apperance of a rash or redness of the skin or any itchy or uneasy sensation in any part of the body is a signal to stop it at once etc.













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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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ContentSans.-Bhallataka;Bhallatamu; Eng.- Marking-nut tree. Fr.- Anacardier. Ger.- Ostindish-cher dintenbaum. Hindi. & Punj.-Bhela; Bhilawa. Guj.-Bhiamu. Tel.-jeedivittulu; Tam.- Shenkottai;shay-rang; serangkottai. Mal.-Chermara. Can.-Ger-kayi. Arab.-Beladin. Pers.-Biladur,behdur. Uses.-In Goa the nut is used internally in asthma ofter having been steeped in butter-milk and is also given as vermihuge. It is most beneficial in phlegmatic disease,any disease connected with suppressed secretions and excretions. But caution in internal administration should be employed the apperance of a rash or redness of the skin or any itchy or uneasy sensation in any part of the body is a signal to stop it at once etc.                        It has rich in antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels, fever, cold, cough, stomach pain, asthma, blood impurities, vomiting, sore eyes, loss of memory, leucoderma, mouth ulcers, tumors, skin problems, etc. Sans-Sinhaparni ; Vasaka ; Arusak ; Vansa ; Vrisha Sinhamukhi ;Adarushah. Eng-Malabar nut. Hind-Adosa ; Arusha ; Rus ;Bansa. Ben-Adulsa : Bakash. Pers-Bansa. Duk-Adarsa. Tel-Addasaram ; Adampaka ; or Adamkabu. Madras & Tam_Adhatodai. Can & Kon-Adusogae. Mal_ Ataloetakam.  Mab- Adulsa ;Adusa.  Guj-Aduraspee ; Adulso ; Bansa. Punj-Bhekkar. Uses: The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots of adathoda are used to cure various diseases such as coughs, colds, asthma, skin infections, fever, bleeding piles and inflammation etc.  Athimathuram is a herbaceous perennial plant. To treat Sore Throat and Cough, Ulcers and Joint Pains, General Debility, Blood Sugar Regulation and Enhancing Sexual Vigor, Flavoring Agent for cooking. Sans - Yashti-madhu; Madhuka  Eng- Sweetwood;  Liquorice. Hindi -  Mthilakdi ; Guj -  Mab - Jashtimadh ; Tel  -  Yasti madhukam;  Athimadhuram; tam- Ati-madhuram athimadthurappal ; can - jestamaddu ;  botanical - glycyrrhiza glabra . Uses :  It is used scropion sting root in infusion decottion  ertract lozenge is useful demulcent in inflammatory affictin are irritable  condition of the bronchial tubes as coughhoarseness sorethroat astham dysuri ardor urinae pharmaceutical aloes chloride of ammonium senega,hyocyamus, turpentine etc. Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used in Ayurveda to relieve stress, increase energy, and improve concentration. Sans - Ashvagandha ; Eng - Winter Cherry ; Hindi- Asgandh ; Ben - Aswagandha;  Guj- Asundha ; Asana. Goa- Fatarfoda Bom & Mah - Asagandha ; Tam - Achuvagandhi; Amukulang- Kalang ; Amukran- Kizhangu ; Amukkira- Kilizhangu  ; Tel- Penneroo- Gadda; Asvagandhi ; Mal - Pevette ; Can- Sogade-beru; Uses :   Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). People with underactive thyroid have high blood levels of a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). People with underactive thyroid can also have low levels of thyroid hormone. Taking ashwagandha seems to lower TSH and increase thyroid hormone levels in people with a mild form of underactive thyroid.Insomnia. Some research shows that taking ashwagandha might help people sleep better etc. Ativisha is an herbaceous perennial plant. To treat for fevers, rheumatic conditions and for loss of vitality. Kan -Ativisha ;Hind-Atis ;Mala-Ativisam ; Tam-Atividyam; Telu-Ati visa ;Marathi -Guj- Atavasa; Punj- KashmiriNASanskrit ;Ativisa; Eng-Atees ; Bontany- Aconitum Heterophyllum ; Uses : Ativisha has antipyretic, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, persistent cough, upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, flu, and malaria. In ayurvedic pediatric medicine, it is used to treat fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is an important ingredient of Balchaturbhadra Churna, which is used for fever, loose motions, bronchitis, and infections of upper respiratory tract, asthma, vomiting, and several other pediatric complaints etc. Bermuda juice is highly praised for its potent alkaline property. It works well by increasing the alkaline level and lowers acidity. Bermuda juices aid in treating acid. Eng - Bermuda Grass ; Hindi - Dhurva | Dhub | Dhoob; Sanskrit - Dhurva ;Malayalam - Karuka ; Telugu - Garikagoddi ; Kannada - Garikoihallu ; Bengali - Dhurba; Botanical -  Cynodon Dactylon Uses : Stabilizes blood sugar – Consuming arugampul juice helps stabilize blood sugar level. Relieves Diuretic condition – Consuming this juice early in the morning helps one detoxify his/her body of toxins and also gets rid of water retention. This is also useful in treating urinary tract infections.
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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g