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Nannari (or) Sarsaparilla


SKU: 734952 Category:


Leading to its incorporation into culinary traditions as a refreshing summer drink.To heal diseases and decrease body temperature.

Sans- Sugandhi: Gopimulam; ; Anantamul; Sariva or saribha, Eng- Indian sarasaparilla; Country Sarsaparilla, Hind- Magrabu; Salsa; Kalisar, Hind , Ben & Punj- Anantamul, Mah- Upersari; Dudhasali, Pers- Ushbahindi; Yasmine barri; Aushbahe-hiondi, Fr- Periploca desindes; Recine de salsepareille, Ger- Hemidesmus Wurzel; Sarsaparillwurzel, Tel- Sugandhipala; Pala Sugandhi, Tam & Nannari; Kizhanna; Naru- ninti, Can- Namadaberu; Sughanda-palada-gida, Kon- Dudvali, Sinh- Irimusu, Arab- Zaiyana; Ausaba lunnara, Port- Upercao.

Part Used: Root , root bark and juice.

Uses: The root bark is used as loss of appetite, nurritional disorders, fevers, skin diseases and ulcerations, especially those of syphilitic origin, constitutional syphilis, Chronic rheumatism and leucorrhoea. The tonic is used as  children in chronic cough and diarrhora. It is used as  kidney and urinary disorders of various kinds and constitutional debility. The leaves is  sued as  household remedy in genito- urinary diseases, ulcers and swellings. To promote  health and vigour and invariably cure all kinds of diseases caused by vitiated blood.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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