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Arisi Maavu (or) Rice Flour


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1kg, 500g


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ContentSans- Arjuna; Kukubha; Raktarjuna, Eng- Arjuna Myrobalan Bark, Hind- Arjun; Kahu Ben- Arjun, Bom- Arjuna-sadra, Mah- Shardul; Sanmadat, Guj- Sajadan; Sadado, Tel- Yermaddi; Maochettu; Tella-madoi, Tam- Vella-marda; Vellai Maruda-maram; Maruthu, Can- Billimatti; Tormatti; Holemati. Uses.-A decoction of the bark mixed with ginger and cinnamon is valuable in assthma,diarrhoea connected with phthisis, fever, lungs affections, chronic bronchitis (catarrhal condition of the lungs), typhoid, dysentery and diuresis. An oil prepared from the bark is dropped into the ears in earache. Powder of the bark is recommended as a snuff in catarrh with headache, and combine;d with ginger as a stimulant application in cholera. with cinnamon it is prescribed for chronic cough, asthma, fever, piles etc.Sans.- Bahupathra; Bhumyaamlaki  Buta- dhatri.   Hind.- Jaramala; Niruri.  Fr.- Phlllanthe niruri;  Herbe due chagrin.  Ger.-  Weisse . Blatt-blume. Ben.- Bhumiamle. Bom. & Mah.-Bhuia-vala, Tel.- Nela usirika.  Tam.- kizhkay nelli. Can.- kiru -nelli. Mal.- kilanelli. kon- Bhuyavali) USES;   The plant is considered de-obstruent,diurtic, astringent and cooling. A  decoction of the plant is administered in jaundice ,  Whole plant pounded with its root and combined with rice water is used as poultice for ulcers, sores and swellings. As a stomachic bitter it is useful in dyspepsia.The plant is said to be useful in doabetes.Sans.-Musta; Mustaka ; bhadramusta ; Eng.-Nutgrass. Hind.-Korehi-jhar. Ben.-Moothoo; Mutha; Nagarmothee; Sada-kufee. Bom.-Musta. Guj.&Mab.-Barik motha; Tel.-Tungamusti; Gandala; Tunga-musthalu. Tam.-Korai-kizanghu ; Tunga-gaddai. Mal.-Karimuttan ; Kora-kizanna. Can.-Tangahulla; Koranari-gadde; Kon.-Bhadramusti. Sinb.-Kalanduru. Uses.-Tubers are useful in infusion or as soup in fever, diarrhoea, dysentery,dyspepsia,voiting,cholera, etc. Bulbous roots are scraped and pounded with green ginger,mixed with honey and given in cases of dysentery,gastric and intestinal disorders,in uterine complaints. In larger doses it is used as an anthelmintic to get rid of worms. Paste is applied to scorpion stings and when dried,to spreading ulcers etc.
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Weight N/A

1kg, 500g

Weight N/A

1kg, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A
Weight 0.05 kg
Weight N/A
Weight N/A