Content | Sans- Bhavarakta; Saurab; Mangalya; Agnishikha ; Kumkuma,Mangal; Kusrunam; Kashmirajanma, Eng- Saffron, Arab, &Pers- Zafrah; Zipharana; Hind- Zaffran; Kesar, Ben- Jafran, Bom- Safran, Kessar, Mah- Kecara, Guj- Keshar, Tel - Kunkuma- puvva; Kunkumma- purru, Tam & Mal- Kunkumappu, Can, & Kon- Kunkuma- kesara, Ger & Fr- Safran.
Part Used: Dried stigmas and tops of the styles crocus sativus which constitute the saffron of commerce compressed into cakes and called cake saffron the ordinary saffron being called Hay saffron.
Used: It is used generally as a condiment for its aromatic odour and beautiful colouring matter. It is used in small doses , in fevers, melancholia, enlargement of the liver and in catarrhal affections of children and it is very useful in chronic diarrhoea, chronic discharges seminal weakness. | | Akkaraa, to treat rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorders, erectile dysfunction and indigestion.
Sans- Akarakarava. Eng- Pellitory. Hindi Bom & Ben- Akarkara. Guj - Akorkaro .
Arab _ Aquarqarha. Tam - Akkirakaram , Tel-Akarakaram. Mab. and Can- Akkalkara.
Uses : It is sialogogue and is regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. A decoction of the room is useful as a gargle in carious teeth toothache , sore -throat and tonsillitis. it has been given in paralysis hemiplegia epilepsy chorea and rheumatism and a other diseases ect.
| | | Ativisha is an herbaceous perennial plant. To treat for fevers, rheumatic conditions and for loss of vitality.
Kan -Ativisha ;Hind-Atis ;Mala-Ativisam ; Tam-Atividyam; Telu-Ati visa ;Marathi -Guj- Atavasa; Punj- KashmiriNASanskrit ;Ativisa;
Eng-Atees ; Bontany- Aconitum Heterophyllum ;
Uses : Ativisha has antipyretic, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, persistent cough, upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, flu, and malaria. In ayurvedic pediatric medicine, it is used to treat fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is an important ingredient of Balchaturbhadra Churna, which is used for fever, loose motions, bronchitis, and infections of upper respiratory tract, asthma, vomiting, and several other pediatric complaints etc.
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N/A |
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g
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N/A |
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1kg, 250g, 500g
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N/A |
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g
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