Sans- Badari: Kola, Eng- Jujube Fruit Leaf , Fr- Jujubier Cotonneux, Ger- Stumpfblattriger Judendron , Hind- Baer; Bor, Ben- Kul; Kula, Pers- Kunar, Guj- Ber, Mah- Bori; Bor, Sind- Bertjangri, Tel- Regu, Tam- Elandai; Ilandai, Mal- Ilantha, Can- Bogari; Barihannu.
Uses: Jujube health benefits includes treating sleeplessness, treating bone illnesses, eliminating anxiety and stress, fighting cancer effects, promoting healthy digestion, maintaining adequate blood pressure, powers the immune system and helps control obesity.
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